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how to use ActiveStorage to upload image to the backend and get the url for the image inclded in the response sent to the frontend

I am working on implementing a feature for adding products to the backend. I have successfully added the product to the backend, from the frontend, but I am having trouble sending image of the product with the product data. I am using ActiveStorage to upload the image.

what i am trying:

  • image is sent to the backend using FormData const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("product[image]", e.target.image.files[0])) const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("product[image]", e.target.image.files[0]))
  • installed ActiveStorage in the backend
  • in the backend, I used has_one_attached:image in the product model,(I want to upload multiple images, but I am not sure how to do that so I am just trying to upload one image first)
  • in the product controller, I added image to the product params

what I am stuck on:

when the image is saved to the backend, I am not sure how to get the url for the image, so that I can send it to the frontend currently when products are sent to frontend, the image is not included in the response. I am not sure how to add the image to the response.

You can use has_many_attached declaration to attach multiple images to the products:


has_many_attached :images

Here is how you can get the displayable URL for an image attached to a product :


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