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MassTransit.ConfigurationException: The job service must be configured prior to configuring a job consumer, using either ConfigureJobServiceEndpoints

Need some help to incorporate JobService into my current MassTransit. My current project work great with MassTransit Consumer, since I have some long run process, and I don't want to hold up the RabbitMq, so I tried to adopt JobService. I follow the JobService example, but run into the error:

MassTransit.ConfigurationException: The job service must be configured prior to configuring a job consumer, using either ConfigureJobServiceEndpoints or ConfigureJobService at MassTransit.Configuration.JobConsumerMessageConnector 2.ConnectConsumer(IConsumePipeConnector consumePipe, IConsumerFactory 1 consumerFactory, IConsumerSpecification`1 specification) in /_/src/MassTransit/Consumers/Configuration/JobConsumerMessageConnector.cs

This is my setup:

services.AddMassTransit(busConfig =>
                    if (isReceiver)
                        busConfig.AddConsumer<JobItemPayloadConsumer>(cfg =>
                            cfg.Options<JobOptions<JobItemPayLoad>>(options => options
                       .EntityFrameworkRepository(r =>
                                .EntityFrameworkRepository(r =>
                                .EntityFrameworkRepository(r =>
                    busConfig.UsingRabbitMq((context, cfg) =>
                        var host = GetServiceBusHostingUri(config, env, busConfig);
                        InitializeMassTransitBus(config, busConfig, context, cfg, host);
                        cfg.ServiceInstance(instance =>
                            // configure the job consumer on the job service endpoints
                            .ConfigureSagas(config, host)
                            .ConfigureEndpoints(cfg, config, host)
                        if (isReceiver)
                                .ConfigureReceivers(cfg, config, context);

Thank you

never mind, I figured the issue. I need to register the ServiceInstance before the ConfigureEndpoints(context).

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