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Can Nlog target Azure Log Analytics?

I am writing a web api in .NET 6. I don't seem to find a sample where I can write to custom tables under Azure Log Analytics . They can be written to via posting a json payload, I was hoping there would be a nuget package library that can already do that taking a workspaceId and sharedkey for access.

Azure Log Analytics is compatible with the following frameworks .NET Core, .NET 5 and .NET 6.

To write custom data collections to Log Analytics using wrapper

Install-Package LogAnalytics.Client

LogAnalytics_Wrapper logger = new LogAnalytics_Wrapper(
                workspaceId: "Workspace id,
                sharedKey: "Shared key");
await logger.SendLogEntry(new SomeEntity
    Category = GetCategory(),
    SomeString = $"String Test",
    SomeBoolean = true,
    SomeDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
    SomeDouble = 2.1,
    SomeGuid = Guid.NewGuid()
}, "testlog")
.ConfigureAwait(false);  ConfigureAwait(false) 

Log entries using wrapper

LogAnalyticsClient logger = new LogAnalyticsClient(
                workspaceId: "Workspace id",
                sharedKey: "Shared KEY");
List<DemoEntity> entities = new List<DemoEntity>();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ii++)
    entities.Add(new DemoEntity
        Criticality = GetCriticality(),
        Message = "Message",
        SystemSource = GetSystemSource()
await logger.SendLogEntries(entities, "testlog").ConfigureAwait(false)

We can fetch the workspaceId and shared key values from appsettings.json or KeyVault

Fetching the logs from azure using the below command

search *
| where Type == "testlog_CL"

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