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How can I merge a map into values.yaml wit yq

I am trying to create a multiple map in a values.yaml as follows.

FILES=$(ls -1 | grep "values-.*.yaml") 
for i in $FILES; do
   yq e '.applications *= {
         }' values.yaml

and this is the next output:

Error: Cannot multiply !!null with !!map

The yaml should look like this:

    enabled: "true"
      namespace: x
      server: wwww
      chart: a
    enabled: "true"
      namespace: x
      server: wwww
      chart: b

What am I doing wrong?

With your code you get the error when the file values.yaml is empty at the beginning


Instead use this and the error Cannot multiply !!null with !!map disappears:

applications: {}

Apart from that, your code has some problems. I would like to suggest passing the filename to yq as a parameter and accessing it within the code with strenv

FILES=$(ls -1 | grep "values-.*.yaml")
for i in $FILES; do
  file="$i" yq '.applications *=
    {strenv(file): {
       "destination": {
       "source": {
          "chart": strenv(file)
  }' values.yaml

This code breaks, if a file name contains whitespaces, eg values-3. gap.yaml values-3. gap.yaml . To address this issue think about using find... exec instead of a for loop.

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