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Disable background:url(...) encoding as base64 in Minify package

I use minify to minimize my js and css files. But after minimizing the files, the ones which contain background:url(...) become larger, because the url is encoded to base64 .

I want to turn off this css-base64-images function. But according to an issue raised in 2016, this is not possible.

package.json :

  "devDependencies": {
    "minify": "^9.1.0",
    "postcss-cli": "^10.0.0"

My code:

import { minify } from 'minify';

const myFunction = () => {
  /* some code... */

  minify(filepath).then((file) => {
                    /* some code... */

According to this article , in most cases, it is not neccessary to optimize images with base64 . In my case some css files have grown to 10,000 KB from 40-50 KB , therefore I want to turn of base64 .

I figured out a solution to "turn off" base64 .

The minify function accepts 2 parameters, name and userOptions .

The userOptions is passed down to node_modules\css-b64-images\lib\css-b64-images.js . There is the function called replaceUrlByB64 , which does not encode to base64 , if maxSize is smaller then the file size.

if (stat.size > options.maxSize){
      return cb(new Error('Skip ' + imageUrl + ' Exceed max size'), css);

My code:

import { minify } from 'minify';

/* Set image maxSize to 0 to skip url replacement by base64 in minify.
   node_modules/css-b64-images/lib/css-b64-images.js function: replaceUrlByB64 */
const skipReplacingUrlByB64 = {
    img : {
        maxSize: 0,

const myFunction = () => {
  /* some code... */

  minify(filepath, skipReplacingUrlByB64).then((file) => {
                    /* some code... */

The structure of skipReplacingUrlByB64 object is based on how userOptions is retrieved in node_modules\minify\lib\img.js

const options = {
    ...userOptions?.img || {},

package.json is the same as in the question

  "devDependencies": {
    "minify": "^9.1.0",
    "postcss-cli": "^10.0.0"

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