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Calling entity.delete(flush: true) in a Spock test does not flush, nor does using withTransaction, one has to run both separately

I have a Grails 5.2.5 app with a Spock 2.0 test. In it, I try to delete an entity like so:

def "experiment"() {
        MyEntity entity = new MyEntity().save(failOnError: true)).save(failOnError: true)
        MyEntity.count() == 0 // fails

It fails. The saved entity stays there after the deletion attempt. If I replace entity.delete() with any of the three options below, it still fails.

        MyEntity.withSession {
            entity.delete(flush: true, failOnError: true)
// OR
        MyEntity.withTransaction {
            entity.delete(flush: true, failOnError: true)
// OR
        entity.delete(flush: true, failOnError: true)

Or if I remove failOnError:true .

I am basically currently unable to delete stuff from DB during a spock test and I used to be able to do that in Grails 2.x, so not sure how to migrate those tests.


I had managed to delete an entity like so, but it makes no sense to me, why these should work and the aboves not:

def "experiment"() {
        MyEntity entity = new MyEntity().save(failOnError: true)).save(failOnError: true)
        entity.delete(flush: true) // here flush is necessary
        MyEntity.withTransaction {
        MyEntity.count() == 0 // passes

and to my utter amazement this works as well even without the flush, whereas above the flush is necessary:

def "experiment"() {
        MyEntity entity = new MyEntity().save(failOnError: true)).save(failOnError: true)
        MyEntity.withTransaction {
        entity.delete() // here flush is not necessary
        MyEntity.count() == 0 // passes

What source ry is this..

Alright, the problem was I only flushed the delete, not the save operation. I thought I didn't have to since the saved entity was found during .count() operation.

Hibernate flushMode has COMMIT as default value instead of the AUTO from the past. Documentation has an error on this, I posted a PR to fix the doc, the change was mentioned only in release notes, but doc wasn't updated .

Since that has changed, now that I want to save entities and delete them in tests, I need to flush both operations.

So this works now okay:

def "experiment"() {
        MyEntity entity = new MyEntity().save(failOnError: true, flush: true) // flush was added here that wasn't here before
        entity.delete(flush: true) // flush needs to be here as well.
        MyEntity.count() == 0 // works now

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