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Why is my ACM Certificate still not issued / validated?

I want to use this newly requested certificate further in the process with Load Balancer etc. But my certificate is still not issued. I have done the following steps:

  1. I bought & registered a new domain name in AWS Route 53 .
  2. I created a new Hosted zone with the sample.com as domain name (same as the domain name in step 1).
  3. I went to AWS Certificate Manager and requested a new public certificate with the following details: put in the domain name from step 1 in the input field of Fully qualified domain name . Added another name to this certificate (*.sample.com) . Used DNS validation , and the key algorithm as RSA 2048 .
  4. Once this is done, I clicked on the newly requested certificate and then on Create the records in Route 53 . I can find the records in the Hosted zone of the domain.

After all the steps and waiting for hours, the status is still on Pending validation . Did I do something wrong?

You have two options to validate an ACM certificate.

  1. CDN validation
  2. Route53 validation (easier and faster, also recommended by aws).

So, after applying for a certificate it will redirect you to the ACM dashboard. Reload the page and you'll see your certificate listed as pending validation . Click on your desired pending certificate and scroll a little down. Click on what says create record , the your domain name(or names) will automatically be selected and hit again create record . Your record(s) will be created in route53 and the certificates will be issued.

Note: after creating record once if certificate is still not issued create record again, it'll overwrite records and will solve the issue.

Good luck!

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