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How can I fix the issue: "Cannot resolve method 'getById' in 'EmployeeRepository'"?

I've already checked similar questions, but none of them wasn't helpful for me:

  1. Cannot resolve method, spring boot app using JPA Data
  2. Cannot resolve symbol repository
  3. Spring crudrepository method save - cannot resolve method

I have the following code in service implementation with business-logic for the project as:

public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService {
    EmployeeRepository employeeRepository;

    public MessageResponse createEmployee(EmployeeRequest employeeRequest) {
        Employee newEmployee = new Employee();
        return new MessageResponse("New Employee created successfully");


    public Optional<Employee> updateEmployee(Integer employeeId, EmployeeRequest employeeRequest) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
        Optional<Employee> employee = employeeRepository.findById(employeeId);
        if (employee.isEmpty()) {
            throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Employee", "id", employeeId);
        } else {
            return employee;

    public Employee getASingleEmployee(Integer employeeId) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
        return employeeRepository.findById(employeeId)
                .orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Employee", "id", employeeId));

    public List<Employee> getAllEmployee() {
        return employeeRepository.findAll();

    public void deleteEmployee(Integer employeeId) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
        if (employeeRepository.getById(employeeId).getId().equals(employeeId)) {
        } else throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Employee", "id", employeeId);

The APIs controller with the code as:

public class EmployeeController {

    private EmployeeService employeeService;

    public ResponseEntity<List<Employee>> getAllEmployees() {
        List<Employee> employees = employeeService.getAllEmployee();
        return new ResponseEntity<>(employees, HttpStatus.OK);

    public ResponseEntity<Employee> getEmployeeById(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
        Employee employee = employeeService.getASingleEmployee(id);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(employee, HttpStatus.OK);

    public ResponseEntity<MessageResponse> addEmployee(@RequestBody EmployeeRequest employee) {
        MessageResponse newEmployee = employeeService.createEmployee(employee);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(newEmployee, HttpStatus.CREATED);

    public Optional<Employee> updateEmployee(@PathVariable Integer id, @RequestBody EmployeeRequest employee) {
        return employeeService.updateEmployee(id, employee);

    public ResponseEntity<?> deleteEmployee(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
        return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK);

In POM I had:

    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

While working with the project, I've reproduced the issue as:

Cannot resolve method 'getById' in 'EmployeeRepository'


After some investigations, I've found the cause and the way how can I fix this issue.

The cause of issue was the version of the dependency as:

    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

To fix it, I needed to change the version to higher, for example, to:

    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

or to another one as:

    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

but for the usage of 2.7.5 version, you need to be careful and aware , because:

getById(ID) is deprecated and you should use instead getReferenceById(ID) .

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