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Why emitting state resets state variable in flutter cubit

I am using cubit for state management. And i have a variable in the state. And it gets resetted when some other state is emitted.


class UserState extends Equatable {
  final SampleModel? sampleModel;
  const UserState({this.sampleModel});
  UserState copyWith({String? name, String? avatar}) {
    return UserState(
        sampleModel: SampleModel(
            name: name ?? sampleModel?.name ?? "",
            avatar: avatar ?? sampleModel?.avatar ?? ""));

  List<Object?> get props => [sampleModel];

class UserMainLoadingState extends UserState {}   // this resets my sampleModel why ?

class UserSavedUpdatedState extends UserState {   // One way around is by sending props in every state
  UserSavedUpdatedState({required SampleModel sample})
      : super(sampleModel: sample);


 Future<void> addSampleUser({required SampleModel sample}) async {
    print("I am inside this add sample");
    print("State is ${state.sampleModel!}");   // prints sampleModel
    print("State is ${state.sampleModel!}");   // Null check operator used on a null value

Why this happens, and how to overcome this without passing props to every state.

It's resetting because when you emit UserMainLoadingState you are not copying SampleModel from the previous state, so it's lost. Simple solution would be:

class UserMainLoadingState extends UserState {
  const UserMainLoadingState({required SampleModel sample})
      : super(sampleModel: sample);

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