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I can't build for android in unity

*The game was building without any problems before, but GoogleMobileAds-v7.3.1.unitypackage This is what happened after I imported it.Is there a problem with the GoogleMobileAds-v7.3.1.unitypackage version? what should I do

These are the errors in the console

Building Library\Bee\artifacts\Android\ManagedStripped failed with output:

UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException: 3 errors


You should provide more details about your problem so we can give you a meaningful answer.

Here are a few things you can try:

  1. See all details about the error in Console window and solve them all 1.1 If there is no error in the Console window, be sure the Error button is toggled on (image below)


    1.2 If you need more details about your error, run the Open Editor Log (image below) and read your error one by one until you find the cause of all errors


  1. If you already had some earlier version of the GoogleMobileAds package in the project, remove all folders and files and then import the new one

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