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Visual Studio 2022 - Error when compiling old application

We are trying to compile a very old application from 2002 on VB6 at the time (32bits application) in Visual Studio 2022. We need to debug this application and be able to run this app on a Windows 10 machine.

When compiling, we find the following errors, it seems to be a known error by what I found on the web, we tried some workarounds with no success:


Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built using settings for your current platform or Any CPU.

We tried the following workarounds so far: 在此处输入图像描述

It is a .net framework 4 application

From what we understood during our researches, the error seems to be related by incompatibility between x86/x64, but we have no clue on what try to do to fix this problem

Any help is appreciated, much thanks..

So after a few days of try and error to fix this problem we managed to successfully build our application only after we installed an older version of Visual Studio (we installed 2010 version)

The prints I posted on the original question also helped during our troubleshooting because they seem to affect the behavior of Visual Studio when compiling, so if you're facing the same error, try that aswell:)

Thanks a lot everyone for the help, was not expecting such fast replies and curiosity in helping!!

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