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PHP Warning: preg_replace(); compilation failed: missing ) at

this line of smarty_internal_templatebase.php: $output.= preg_replace('/(<%|%>|<\?php|<\?|\?>)/', "<?php echo '\$1'; ?>\n", $curr_split); is giving me the error: Compilation failed:missing ) at..

I think it has something to do with DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR * * like here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1142263/php-preg-replace-compilation-failed-missing The error is strange becouse the script is core Presta/Smarty script, so I quess it shouldn't be wrong.

So how to modify that line ta avoid that error? Would appreciate any help, Thank you

Shall I

preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '#');


preg_replace('/(<%|%>|<\?php|<\?|\?>)/', "<?php echo '\$1'; ?>\n", $curr_split)

OK - the Error was connected with Prestashop vulnerability discovered in 2022/07:


According to our conversations with shop owners and developers, the recurring modus operandi looks like this -

  1. The attacker submits a POST request to the endpoint vulnerable to SQL injection.

  2. After approximately one second, the attacker submits a GET request to the homepage, with no parameters. This results in a PHP file called blm.php being created at the root of the shop's directory.

  3. The attacker now submits a GET request to the new file that was created, blm.php, allowing them to execute arbitrary instructions.

After the attackers successfully gained control of a shop...

That attempt results (among others) in error like:

Compilation failed:missing ) at.

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