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Breakpoints not active in VS Code Node.js Remote Debugging on Azure App Service

I've followed the process in this article https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/azure/remote-debugging

While a debug session seems to have started, I cannot set or use any breakpoints.

Node.js in an App Service

I can stream logs. I tried to set a breakpoint on the files that show up in the Azure Explorer as well as the files that I work on. I keep getting an Unbound breakpoint

Created Node JS App and deployed to Azure Linux App Service .

  • Followed the same steps from the provided document to Enable Remote Debugging .


  • Even I got the same Unbound breakpoint message.


  • In Azure Portal => App Service => Configuration =>check Remote debugging Under Debugging section.


  • To cross check that I have changed the Runtime stack to .NET and tried to Enable Remote debugging from VSCode .Got the below error.


  • It clearly says that Remote Debugging option is available for NodeJS Azure Linux App .

  • Again, updated the Runtime stack back to NODE .

Thanks @Kenneth for the configuration steps.

Tried to change few configurations as mentioned in the Document.

In VSCode => File => Preferences => Settings =>In search box search with appservice keyword.


We will get an option to edit settings.json file.


  • In settings.json , add the below line of code
  • In Package.json change the scripts setting as below.
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./bin/www",
"start\\_azure\\_debug": "node --inspect=$APPSVC\\_TUNNEL\\_PORT index.js"
  • In Azure Portal => Your Azure App Service => Configuration => General settings , add the npm run start_azure_debug as startup command.


  • Now try to debug from VSCode .
  • Getting Timeout Exception.在此处输入图像描述

There might be some issue with Remote Debugging , MS Support request may be required.

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