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Autowiring Enums in Spring boot

In my SpringBoot App I have class:

public enum LockerRepo {

    private static List<Locker> lockerList = new ArrayList<>(generateExampleData());
    private static List<Locker> generateExampleData() {

        List<Locker> exampleList = new ArrayList<>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                if (i <= 30) {
                    exampleList.add(new Locker(i, Size.S));
                } else if (1 > 30 && i <= 70) {
                    exampleList.add(new Locker(i, Size.M));
                } else {
                    exampleList.add(new Locker(i, Size.L));

        return exampleList;

    public static LockerRepo getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;

And I'm getting error:

Parameter 0 of constructor in com.smartlocker.repository.LockerRepo required a bean of type 'java.lang.String' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'java.lang.String' in your configuration.

I have it autowired in other classes, and also called by getInstance() method. I was trying to add different annotations, and it didn't worked out. Also in test module it works well, and I can access it by getInstance()

As I wrote as comment, Enums cannot be used as Spring beans because they cannot be instantiated using the default constructor.

But if you still have to use the @Service annotation and also @Autowired to inject your class, you use the Singleton Pattern:

public class LockerRepo {

    private static final LockerRepo INSTANCE = new LockerRepo();

    private List<Locker> lockerList;

    private LockerRepo() {
        lockerList = generateExampleData();

    private List<Locker> generateExampleData() {
        List<Locker> exampleList = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            if (i <= 30) {
                exampleList.add(new Locker(i, Size.S));
            } else if (1 > 30 && i <= 70) {
                exampleList.add(new Locker(i, Size.M));
            } else {
                exampleList.add(new Locker(i, Size.L));

        return exampleList;

    public static LockerRepo getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;

    // getter for locker list

This should work, but it has a disadvantage - it makes your code more difficult to test and you have also tight coupling between your components. So it is generally not recommented as best practice.

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