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Is the Solace message broker compatible with "regular" AMQP or JMS clients?

I'd like to use regular AMQP or JMS clients to connect to a Solace message broker but don't know enough about these protocols to know if they are compatible. From what I can tell Solace implements AMQP and JMS bu possibly with incompatible extensions (eg "message vpn").

Does Solace have incompatible extensions, particularly for JMS, or is there a straightforward way to get a JMS client to speak to a Solace broker with "message vpn" enabled?

The choice is yours as Solace provides both a JMS client implementation and it also supports AMQP 1.0 .

Keep in mind that JMS is an API and AMQP is a protocol . The JMS API can be implemented over any suitable wire protocol, and AMQP can be exposed via any suitable API. JMS is Java-based and there are many JMS implementations using different protocols under the covers. There are also many AMQP clients written in different languages on different platforms all with different APIs. There are even projects which combine both JMS and AMQP like Qpid JMS .

Solace's PubSub+ event broker works on binary payloads which means that you can indeed publish and consume messages on cross protocols and APIs. The Solace APIs have detailed documentation on how to process the payload in a type agnostic fashion.

As you can see in this diagram, we support a wide range of APIs and protocol integrations. Solace 支持的 API 和协议

There are also sample codes present over at this Github account listing examples on using Solace broker with JMS and AMQP: https://github.com/SolaceSamples ?

If you need more information, please feel free to reach out and I would be happy to help.

Happy holidays and a wonderful new year ahead.

Regards Hari

(Answering my own question).

I basically wanted to know if it was possible to connect to a Solace/JMS broker using more popular messaging libraries. As far as I can tell the answer is no in general.

For example, one feature of JMS is JNDI lookup of the InitialContextFactory . I don't think that is possible to do outside of a JMS library.

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