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How to implement Multiple Checkbox in a pagination based table with Check/Uncheck All and then store all selected checkbox IDS into localstoarge

I am not JavaScript expert. I am trying to implement some features in my table where I have a list of patients. I tried many ways, but can't be able to implement all features together from different approaches. What I am trying to do in my table is:

  • Check/Uncheck Patients.
  • Check/Uncheck all should work on all paginated pages.
  • Store selected patients IDs into local storage.
  • Whenever clicking on Check/Uncheck checkbox and individual checkbox, it should update & save the updated selected patient IDs into local storage.
  • At the end, I just need the local storage Key. contains all selected patient IDs.

Here is the image of the patient table.


<div class="table-responsive">
  <table class="table" id="table">
      <tr class="text-muted">
        <th scope="col">
          <!---------------- Check / Uncheck All Checkboxes ----------->
            <input type="checkbox">
          <!----------------/ Check / Uncheck All Checkboxes ----------->
          <span class="d-none d-md-inline d-lg-inline select_counter"></span>
        <th class="col-2">Patient</th>
        <th class="col-1">Age</th>
        <th class="col-1">Gender</th>
        <th class="col-1">Diagnosis</th>
        <th class="col-1">Medication</th>
        <th class="col-1">Last Rx</th>
      <% @list_users.each.with_index(1) do |patient, index| %>

          <td class="col-1">
          <!---------------- Checkbox To Select Each Patient ------------->
             <input type="checkbox" id="<%= patient.id %>">
          <!---------------/ Checkbox To Select Each Patient ------------->

          <%=link_to user_name(patient.id)&.strip&.upcase, centres_ebroadcasts_find_by_id_path(user_id: patient.id,source:'patient_table'), :class=>"text-dark", remote:true %>
          <td><%= patient&.date_of_birth? ? Date.today.year - patient&.date_of_birth.year : " -- " %></td>
          <td><%= patient.gender? ? patient.gender : "--" %></td>
          <td class="col-2">
            <% diagnosis = patient.consultations.map(&:diagnosis)%>
              <% if diagnosis.compact.empty? %>
                <span class="text-danger">No Diagnosis</span>
              <% else %>
                <%= truncate_text(diagnosis.uniq.compact.join(", "),120).upcase %>
            <% end %>
          <td class="col-2">
            <% if medicine = patient&.prescriptions&.completed_prescriptions.map(&:medicines).empty? %>
              <span class="text-danger">No Medicines</span>
            <% else %>
              <%= truncate_text(patient&.prescriptions&.completed_prescriptions.map(&:medicines).flatten.map(&:name).uniq.compact.join(", "), 120).upcase %>
            <% end %>
          <td class="col-2"><%= patient&.prescriptions&.completed_prescriptions&.first&.created_at&.strftime("%d, %B, %Y")%></td>
      <% end %>

<!--------------- Patient List Paginator -------------->
  <%= paginate @list_users %>
<!--------------/ Patient List Paginator -------------->

<!----------- Javascript --------->
<!----------/ Javascript --------->

Issues: When I was trying different approaches, I faced several issues in pagination. For example: checkboxes are only working on current paginated page. Check/Uncheck only works on current paginated page.

Could anyone please help me to implement this? Pure JavaScript or jQuery, any can be used.

Let's say that you are storing the IDs in your localstorage, by doing something like this. Also, since you mentioned that a jQuery solution would work for you, I'll show you how to do it in jQuery.

Also, a few inital assumptions:

  • the IDs are unique. There can be no two (or more) patients with the same ID
  • the IDs are numerical. This was done purely for simplification's sake

Resources used:

  • uniques is a filtering function intially posted in this SO answer . I'm using it here, because it fits the purpose (removing (numerical) duplicates from a one-dimensional array), before writing to localstorage
  • removeItemAll is used to remove eventual multiple occurrences of an ID. The function was initiallly posted in this SO answer

Final notes:

  • the code below has not been tested, but it should work
  • you would need to implement automatic checking of freshly loaded patients, if their ID is found in localstorage. That bit is not included in the code below
// helper functions
function uniques(value, index, self) {
    return self.indexOf(value) === index;

function removeItemAll(arr, value) {
    var i = 0;
    while (i < arr.length) {
        if (arr[i] === value) {
            arr.splice(i, 1);
        } else {
    return arr;

var idsToStore; // we'll use this later on

// let's take whatever we have in localstorage
// I'm going to use a JSON to store the IDS, and
// that JSON has this structure:
// {"ids" : [1,1,2,3,5,8,13....]}

// the IDs are stored in localstorage with the
// key of patientIDs
var stored = localStorage.getItem("patientIDs");
if(stored) {
    stored = JSON.parse(stored);
    stored = stored.ids; // this will give us an array to work with
} else {
    stored = []; // nothing was stored before

// let's get the ids of the checked patients
// this event handler is attached with the
// assumption that your table is always on the page
// and is not being CREATED dynamically (just filled
// dynamically). I'm also going with the
// assumption that your patient checkboxes have a 
// class called patients, and that your table
// has an ID of myTable

$("#myTable input[type=checkbox].patients").on("change",function(e) {

    // we note the id
    idsToStore = $(this).data("id");

    // we check the checkbox state
    if($(this).is(":checked")) {
        // if it's checked, we add it, if it's not already there
        if(stored.indexOf(idsToStore) <0) {

    // if the checkbox is no longer checked...
    } else {
        // ... remove it, if it was in the array
        const index = array.indexOf(idsToStore);
        if (index > -1) {
            // ... remove all occurrences, just in case there
            // were ever more than one

    // after everything's done, let's write back
    // to localstorage. To keep it in a JSON-like
    // format, I'm using JSON.stringify

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