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Oracle 11g get data from 3 tables

I am trying to get a record from one table and on the basis of that record sum of quantity in another table which has multiple record and then join thrid table to get the price and multiply price with quantity.


id status date
1 1 25-12-2022


id pid qty Uom(unit of measure)
1 100 5 KG
1 101 10 KG
1 102 15 KG


pid price Uom(unit of measure)
100 1 KG
101 2 KG
102 3 KG


date quantity Price
25-12-2022 30 70

1-Get record from order

2-Sum quantity of that id

3-get price of product id and multiply it with sum quantity in step 2

As I understand the question you need the sum per order id ( 2-Sum quantity of that id ) . If that is the case then you'll need order id for grouping the data:

            Sum(oi.QTY) "QTY", Sum(oi.QTY * p.PRICE) "AMOUNT"
FROM        order_tbl o
INNER JOIN  order_items oi ON(oi.ID = o.ID)
INNER JOIN  products p ON(p.PID = oi.PID)

With your sample data (added a few more rows):

    order_tbl (ID, STATUS, ORDER_DATE) AS
            Select 1, 1, To_Date('2022-12-25', 'yyyy-mm-dd') From Dual Union All
            Select 2, 1, To_Date('2022-12-25', 'yyyy-mm-dd') From Dual Union All
            Select 3, 1, To_Date('2022-12-25', 'yyyy-mm-dd') From Dual 
    order_items (ID, PID, QTY, UOM) AS
            Select 1, 100,  5, 'KG' From Dual Union All
            Select 1, 101, 10, 'KG' From Dual Union All
            Select 1, 102, 15, 'KG' From Dual Union All
      --  added order 2
            Select 2, 101, 15, 'KG' From Dual Union All
            Select 2, 100, 15, 'KG' From Dual Union All
      --  added order 3
            Select 3, 102, 10, 'KG' From Dual 
    products (PID, PRICE, UOM) as
            Select 100, 1, 'KG' From Dual Union All
            Select 101, 2, 'KG' From Dual Union All
            Select 102, 3, 'KG' From Dual

R esult:

1 25-DEC-22 30 70
2 25-DEC-22 30 45
3 25-DEC-22 10 30

Sample data:

SQL> with
  2  t_order (id, status, datum) as
  3    (select 1, 1, date '2022-12-22' from dual),
  4  orderitem (id, pid, qty) as
  5    (select 1, 100, 5 from dual union all
  6     select 1, 101, 10 from dual union all
  7     select 1, 102, 15 from dual
  8    ),
  9  productstable (pid, price) as
 10    (select 100, 1 from dual union all
 11     select 101, 2 from dual union all
 12     select 102, 3 from dual
 13    )

Query begins here:

 14  select o.datum,
 15    sum(i.qty) quantity,
 16    sum(i.qty * p.price) price
 17  from t_order o join orderitem i on i.id = o.id
 18                 join productstable p on p.pid = i.pid
 19  group by o.datum;

---------- ---------- ----------
22-12-2022         30         70


(I renamed invalid table ( order ) and column ( date ) names).

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