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Is there a way to downgrade the version of mariadb server in the plesk panel of a VPS server?

I would like to install moodle 3.10 in the VPS windows server of GoDaddy hosting provider. I have completed the installation process but in the main page after I login I am getting the following error 'An error occurred whilst communicating with the server'. After some research I found that the mariadb version is not compatible. The requirement for mariadb is 10.5 but my current version is 10.6. Is there a way to downgrade the version? If not, can I delete the old version of mariadb and reinstall the required version? Will this by any means effect the plesk panel or anything? Can someone please assist me with this?

If this is not the correct solution then could you please suggest me one?

Thanks & Regards, Soundarya

I have thought of uninstalling mariadb from my windows VPS server. But I am afraid that it will effect the plesk or server functionality

The minimum requirement for Moodle 3.10 is Mariadb 10.2.29, so it should work with 10.6


It's probably something else

Can you turn on debugging to developer level and copy and paste the full error message

Add this to config.php

$CFG->debugdisplay = 1;             // NOT FOR PRODUCTION SERVERS!

EDIT: You can also run this from the command line to see if the minimum requirements are met

php admin/cli/checks.php --verbose

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