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How can i manually add document-fields into local QueryDocumentSnapshot List

i have the following list

List <QueryDocumentSnapshot>  globalVideosUrls = [] ;

for example if we use the following


it will add as expected

but what if i want to manually add the following data into globalVideosUrls

document id






globalVideosUrls .add(????)

You have to replace the type "QueryDocumentSnapshot" with QuerySnapshot and then you will get multiple docs and with there data also try this If any questions then ask. thanks.

List<QuerySnapshot> globalVideosUrls = [];
List<String> videoUrlList = [];
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
    .then((value) {
globalVideosUrls.forEach((element) {
  element.docs.forEach((docELe) {
    print("data:- ${docELe.data()}");
    Map map = docELe.data() as Map;

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