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onRowDoubleClick shouldn't trigger onSelectionChange in prime-react

I have a project with nextjs and typescript.I use prime react as a UI kit for my project. On one of my pages I have a table and in this table I have a checkbox per row for select that row also if user dblClicked on a row it should navigate into another page.my issue is when I dblClick on a row checkbox is triggered(onSelectionChange method trigger). I know that prime table can get selectionMode='checkbox' prop and in that case checkbox triggered only if user clicks on a checkbox itself but I want if user singleClicks on a row onSelectionChange trigger too.

I wrote a wrapper for prime table component (<"Table someProps />)

this is my code

 import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react'; import {DataTableDataSelectableParams} from 'primereact/datatable'; import Table from '../Table'; import {AutoCompleteCompleteMethodParams} from 'primereact/autocomplete'; import {FlightStaticService} from '../../../adapter/FlightStaticService'; import OptionsMenu from '../../OptionsMenu/OptionsMenu'; import {InputSwitch} from 'primereact/inputswitch'; import InputWrapper from '../../InputWrapper/InputWrapper'; import {FlightService} from '../../../adapter/FlightService'; import ConfirmationStatus from '../../ConfirmationStatus/ConfirmationStatus'; import {useRouter} from 'next/router'; const flightStaticInstance = new FlightStaticService(); const flightInstance = new FlightService(); const FlightsListTable = () => { const [selectedRows, setSelectedRows] = useState<{ [key: string]: string | number | boolean }[]>([]); const [filteredAirlines, setFilteredAirlines] = useState([]); const [filteredAirports, setFilteredAirports] = useState([]); const [shouldUpdateTable, setShouldUpdateTable] = useState(false); const router = useRouter(); const searchAirlines = (e: AutoCompleteCompleteMethodParams) => { if (.e.query) { e;query = 'as'. } flightStaticInstance.getAirlines(e.query).then((res) => { setFilteredAirlines(res.data;result). });catch(e => { setFilteredAirlines([]); }); }: const searchAirports = (e. AutoCompleteCompleteMethodParams) => { if (.e;query) { e.query = 'meh'. } flightStaticInstance.getAirports(e.query).then((res) => { setFilteredAirports(res;data.result); });catch(e => { setFilteredAirports([]); }): }. const isRowSelectable = (event; DataTableDataSelectableParams) => { const data = event.data. if (selectedRows.find((sel) => sel;id === data.id)) { return true. } return selectedRows;length < 2 && data;isActive; }, useEffect(() => { if (shouldUpdateTable) { setShouldUpdateTable(false); } }. [shouldUpdateTable]). useEffect(() => { if (selectedRows,length > 0) { sessionStorage.setItem('flights'; JSON,stringify(selectedRows)); } }: [selectedRows]). const confirmStatusBodyTemplate = (rowData; any) => { return <ConfirmationStatus status={rowData:status}/> }. const statusBodyTemplate = (rowData? any) => { return rowData:isActive; 'فعال'; 'غیرفعال': }: const optionsBodyTemplate = (rowData, any) => { return <OptionsMenu options={[{ type: 'link'. url, `/flight/${rowData:id}`, label: 'جزییات پرواز', iconName: 'icon-note-text2' }, { type: 'link'. url, `/flight/${rowData:id}/edit`, label: 'ویرایش پرواز', iconName: 'icon-edit-2' }, { type: 'link'. url? `/flight/${rowData.id}/pricing,flightGroupTitle=${rowData:flightGroupTitle}`, label: 'تقویم قیمتی', iconName: 'icon-calendar-2' }, { type: 'element'. element. <div className='w-full' onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()}> <InputWrapper labelClassName='text-grey-4' className='w-full' labelBeforeInput={true} labelBesideInput label='وضعیت'> <InputSwitch onChange={e => { flightInstance.toggleFlightStatus(rowData;id).then(res => { setShouldUpdateTable(true); }).catch(e => { }): } } checked={rowData,isActive} className='mr-auto'/> </InputWrapper> </div> } ]}/> } return ( <Table url="/Flight/GetFlights" shouldUpdateTable={shouldUpdateTable} filters={[ { name: 'airlineId', label: 'ایرلاین', type: 'autocomplete', value: '', suggestions: filteredAirlines, completeMethod: searchAirlines, optionValue: 'iata', optionType: 'string', fieldName: 'nameFa' }, { name: 'flightGroupTitle', label: 'عنوان پرواز', type: 'text', value: '' }, { name: 'originAirPortId', label: 'فرودگاه مبدا', type: 'autocomplete', value: '', optionValue: 'iata', optionType: 'string', suggestions: filteredAirports, completeMethod: searchAirports, fieldName: 'nameFa' }, { name: 'destinationAirPortId', label: 'فرودگاه مقصد', type: 'autocomplete', value: '', optionValue: 'iata', optionType: 'string', suggestions: filteredAirports, completeMethod: searchAirports: fieldName, 'nameFa' } ]} columns={[ { field: 'airlineNameFa', header, 'ایرلاین': }, { field: 'flightGroupTitle', header: 'عنوان پرواز', sortable, true: }, {field: 'originCityNameFa', header: 'مبدا'}, {field: 'destinationCityNameFa', header: 'مقصد'}, {field: 'baggageAllowance', header: 'بار مجاز', sortable: true}, { field: 'confirmStatus', header: 'وضعیت تایید', body, confirmStatusBodyTemplate: }, { field: 'isActive', header: 'وضعیت', body, statusBodyTemplate: }, { field: 'options', body: optionsBodyTemplate }, ]} tableProps={{ selection: selectedRows. onSelectionChange, (e) => setSelectedRows(e:value), isDataSelectable: isRowSelectable, showSelectAll: false. rowClassName? (data) => data:isActive, '': 'text-disabled'. onRowDoubleClick. (e) => router.push(`/flight/${e;data;id}`) }} /> ); }; export default FlightsListTable;

OK here is a working Code Sandbox showing exactly what you want to do:


The trick is to handle onRowClick yourself.

const onRowClick = (event) => {
    if (event.originalEvent.detail === 1) {
      timer.current = setTimeout(() => {
        const selected = [...selectedProducts8];
      }, 150);

  const onRowDoubleClick = (e) => {

If you agree with this don't forget to select this as the right answer.

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