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specialized function calls in Rust enum

I have an enum with an associated show function.

enum Foo {

fn show(foo: Foo) {
    match foo {
        Foo::Bar(_) => show_bar(foo),
        Foo::Baz => show_baz(foo),

Based on the variant, a specialized show_* function is called.

fn show_bar(foo: Foo) {
    match foo {
        Foo::Bar(x) => println!("BAR({x})"),
        _ => (),

fn show_baz(foo: Foo) {
    match foo {
        Foo::Baz => println!("BAZ"),
        _ => (),

Since I can't pass variants as types, I need to repeat the match foo pattern matching inside each show_* function, which is a bit verbose and undeeded.

Is there a better / more idiomatic way to do this?

I'm a fairly simple soul and not a Rust expert, so maybe this doesn't meet your needs for some reason - but why not simply pass the associated data? (Which is nothing in the case of Baz )

enum Foo {

fn show(foo: Foo) {
    match foo {
        Foo::Bar(barValue) => show_bar(barValue),
        Foo::Baz => show_baz(),

fn show_bar(x: u32) {

fn show_baz() {

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