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I am getting a blank page on my localhost 3000 on running npm start using reactjs

I started making an a react app and added tag naming it with covid-19 tracker and on running npm start it perfectly showed the h1 heading ie Covid 19 tracker but then I installed dependencies ie

npm install @material-ui/core

and used some of its tags and then when I run npm start there was blank screen on my localhost:3000.

I added tags like and imported them from "@material-ui/core" so that a dropdown box will be added on running npm start but on ruuning npm start there was a blank screen..nothing was shown..even the heading which was showing previously had gone.

I had pasted the image of App.js and localhost images below.

Code snippet localhosst screenshot after running dependency tags image without using dependency tags

Material-UI/core is deprecated, it means that it is not compatible with current react version, therefore you can not use it on your project.

As per Your first image you are calling react hook in class component or outside of functional component that is why that error is coming.

rules of hooks

And for Material-UI/core:

So Material-UI/core is now deprecated so you can't use it inside your project.

ref link

import React from "react";

add this line at the beginning of the App.js file.

Hey you can use the updated MUI v5 by using the below command this will work

npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled

and then below is the component

import FormControl from "@mui/material/FormControl";
import Select from "@mui/material/Select";
import { MenuItem } from "@mui/material";
import "./App.css";

function App() {
  return (
    <div style={{ width: 100, margin: 50 }}>
      <FormControl >
        <Select variant="outlined" value="abc" >
          <MenuItem value="worldwide">Worldwide</MenuItem>
          <MenuItem value="worldwide">Option 1</MenuItem>
          <MenuItem value="worldwide">Option 2</MenuItem>
          <MenuItem value="worldwide">Option 3</MenuItem>

export default App;

for more info refer this link https://mui.com/

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