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How to inherit MudButton and MudMenu with my default values

There are many MudButtons and MudMenus in a Blazor page and I am trying to remove repeated properties like Variant="Variant.Outlined" Color="Color.Primary" Size="Size.Medium".

So, I added custom MudButton razor component which inherits MudButton as the followings;

@inherits MudButton

    //Is it required?

@code {

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        this.Variant = Variant.Outlined;
        this.Color = Color.Primary;
        this.Size = Size.Medium;

    protected override void OnParametersSet()

@inherits MudMenu

@code {

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        this.Variant = Variant.Outlined;
        this.Color = Color.Primary;
        this.Size = Size.Medium;
        this.EndIcon = Icons.Filled.KeyboardArrowDown;
        this.IconColor = Color.Primary;

        this.AnchorOrigin = Origin.BottomCenter;


However, the custom MudButton and MudMenu could not be rendered correctly - only text was displayed.

Is it any way to inherit MudComponent with original style kept?

Best regards.

Using a normal class file .cs not .razor . This stops the razor compiler being invoked and clobbering the inherited RenderFragment.

public class AppButton : MudButton
    protected override void OnParametersSet()
        this.Variant = Variant.Outlined;
        this.Color = Color.Primary;
        this.Size = Size.Medium;

public class AppMenu : MudMenu
    protected override void OnParametersSet()
        this.Variant = Variant.Outlined;
        this.Color = Color.Primary;
        this.Size = Size.Medium;

        this.EndIcon = Icons.Filled.KeyboardArrowDown;
        this.IconColor = Color.Primary;

        this.AnchorOrigin = Origin.BottomCenter;

Now you have two new components inheriting mudblazor with defaults set. <AppButton /> and <AppMenu />

My referred way is to override them in CTor (as long as they are not required.). You can then set any specific preferences in the individual Razor declarations.

public class MyMudButton : MudButton
    public MyMudButton()
        this.Variant = Variant.Outlined;
        this.Color = Color.Primary;
        this.Size = Size.Medium;

If you want to use Razor you need to deal with the default RenderFragment.

@inherits MudButton


@code {
    public RenderFragment ParentContent;

    public MyMudButton()
        ParentContent = (builder) => base.BuildRenderTree(builder);

        this.Variant = Variant.Outlined;
        this.Color = Color.Primary;
        this.Size = Size.Medium;

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