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aps-iot-extensions-demo---'Error: 401 ()'

I am new here.

I try to run locally with https://github.com/autodesk-platform-services/aps-iot-extensions-demo

1.change to my clientID & secret 2.use rac_basic_sample_project.rvt sample project

enter image description here

Please help me to check the problem.

Xhr.js:900 GET https://cdn.derivative.autodesk.com/derivativeservice/v2/manifest/dXJuOmFkc2sub2JqZWN0czpvcy5vYmplY3Q6YW0zcXo4NTV3M2JodHNqY3BrdzJlYWludHBzc25penktYmFzaWMtYXBwL3JhY19iYXNpY19zYW1wbGVfcHJvamVjdC5ydnQ?domain=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080 401

viewer.js:52 Uncaught (in promise) {code: 4, message: 'Error: 401 ()', errors: 401}

thanks. Louis

1.change to my clientID & secret 2.use rac_basic_sample_project.rvt sample project

The root cause is the incorrect model view GUID (saying APS_MODEL_VIEW ) at https://github.com/autodesk-platform-services/aps-iot-extensions-demo/blob/master/public/config.js#L2

After changing the URN, the APS_MODEL_VIEW must be changed together since the GUID specified in the config.js is the master view's GUID. The master view is generated by Model Derivative service automatically, so its GUID is not persistent like other Revit views inside the RVT file.

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