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Limit and Offset Joi valdation

How to check either both limit and offset are provided or none of them

limit: Joi.number().integer(),
offset: Joi.when('limit' ,{is: Joi.exist(),
                  then: Joi.number().integer().required()}),

//This is working if limit is provided check for offset 

Try with:

limit: Joi.when('offset', {
    is: Joi.exist(),
    then: Joi.number().integer().required()
offset: Joi.when('limit', {
    is: Joi.exist(),
    then: Joi.number().integer().required()

Doing this, both fields will be required at the same time.

limit: Joi.number().integer(),
offset: Joi.when('limit', {
  is: Joi.exist(),
  then: Joi.number().integer().required(),
  otherwise: Joi.any().forbidden().error(new Error("need limit and offset both"))

This is working

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