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SOAP UI - Set custom property to a test case after the REST request test step

I need to set a custom property from a test case lets say TestCase #1 ,

This TestCase#1 has a Rest request test step

These are the 2 different steps, 1.Rest Request Test Step 2.Set Custom property

After this step executes, in the next step via Groovy script I would like to access the previous step's response, parse and set custom property to the test case or test suite.

I am setting a value to test suite via this code,

testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("someName", someValue)

This is the code that I will be using in the step #2 to set up a custom property.

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()

def config = jsonSlurper.parse('JSON response from previous step object here'))
def someValue=config.apiVals.someJSONProperty[0].id as String

The above can be achieved using script assertions in the same step #1 but I don't want to do over there.

I want to parse the response in the next step with some additional processing.

how can I achieve this?

Within REST Request, we get a response which is a JSON Object:


and when we want to transfer this response with Property Tranfer: we can leave Source text field empty and we will tranfer the whole JSON object, if we want to tranfer a data of this object which is in this case name we set the source text field $.name and we are now able to retrieve a specific data of the JSON object.


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