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How to set a minimum width for MudBlazor MudDataGrid columns?

I need to set a minimum width for the some of the columns in my MudBlazor MudDataGrid .

I could not find an option in the MudDataGrid column component and even when I set a minimum width in the CSS style property of the column component there was no change to the width.

How do I go about setting a minimum width for the MudDataGrid columns that need it?

<MudDataGrid T="Car" Items="@Cars" Sortable="true" Filterable="false" Outlined="true">
        <Column T="Car" Field="Description" Sortable="false" Title="Description" Style="min-width: 1000px"/> 
        <MudDataGridPager T="Car" />

You have to set the CellStyle parameter of the Column .

<Column CellStyle="min-width: 1000px;" T="Car" Field="Description" Sortable="false" Title="Description" /> 


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