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regex for ignoring character if inside () parenthesis?

I was doing some regex, but I get this bug:

I have this string for example "+1/(1/10)+(1/30)+1/50" and I used this regex /\+.[^\+]*/g
and it working fine since it gives me ['+1/(1/10)', '+(1/30)', '+1/50']


BUT the real problem is when the + is inside the parenthesis ()

like this: "+1/(1+10)+(1/30)+1/50"


because it will give ['+1/(1', '+10)', '+(1/30)', '+1/50']

which isn't what I want:(... the thing I want is ['+1/(1+10)', '+(1/30)', '+1/50']
so the regex if it see \(.*\) skip it like it wasn't there...

how to ignore in regex?

my code (js):

const tests = {
      correct: "1/(1/10)+(1/30)+1/50",
      wrong  : "1/(1+10)+(1/30)+1/50"

function getAdditionArray(string) {
      const REGEX = /\+.[^\+]*/g; // change this to ignore the () even if they have the + sign
      const firstChar = string[0];

      if (firstChar !== "-") string = "+" + string;

      return string.match(REGEX);


You can exclude matching parenthesis, and then optionally match (...)


The pattern matches:

  • \+ Match a +
  • [^+()]* Match optional chars other than + ( )
  • (?: Non capture group to match as a whole part
    • \([^()]*\) Match from (...)
  • )? Close the non capture group and make it optional

See a regex101 demo .

Another option could be to be more specific about the digits and the + and / and use a character class to list the allowed characters.


See another regex101 demo.

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