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Vaddin RTL support, get direction

I need to add RTL languages support to my application. I know how to set RTL:


but I also need to programmatically get this value in order to do some changes in the code.

How to get current Direction value in the view?

Smells like a missing API, but for now, due to the async nature of executeJs , you might consider the following:

public void fetchPageDirection(SerializableConsumer<Direction> callback) {
            .executeJs("return document.dir")
            .then(String.class, dir -> {
                Direction direction = getDirectionByClientName(dir);

private Direction getDirectionByClientName(String directionClientName) {
    return Arrays.stream(Direction.values())
            .filter(direction -> direction.getClientName().equals(directionClientName))
            .findFirst().orElse(Direction.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); // Default to LTR

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