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Url with <int:pk> or <slug:slug> DJANGO

Stumped with this one, I need to be able to call an article via a pk or slug, for example user can do https://www.website.com/1 or https://www.website.com/article-slug both show the same article/page.

And if neither 1 or slug exist show default article or nothing found.

path('/', views.index, name='index'), path('slug:slug/', views.index, name='index')

Not sure how to proceed.

urlpatterns = [
path('<int:pk>/', views.index),

note : remove the name attribute in the path because Django cannot decide where to go because the name is a unique identifier for each URL in your system or just make their names different.

another approach:

urlpatterns = [
path('<str:id_or_slug>/', views.index)

in views

def get(self, request, id_or_slug):
   # get element by pk

   #get element by slug

   #return that the element is not found

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