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how to use apache-maven-shade plugin to resovle multi dependency conflict

Maven shade plugin is very powerful for resolving dependency conclict, but a situation I have is as follows:


  • guava 31
  • thridparty-dependency-1
    • guava18

I could relocate the guava 31 dependency and then the conflict will be resolved. And how about following situation:


  • thirdparty-1
    • guava31
  • thirdparty-2
    • guava18
  • thirdparty-3
    • guava4

Or how about if there are more than two dependencies conflicting as the same dependency but with different versions?

If I use relocation, then thirdparty-1/guava31 will be relocated but the guava18 and guava4 still conflict.

I'm not sure how to handle this situation.

You need to de-conflict these across the whole project, not just for the shaded uber-jar.

Use Maven <exclusions> in the pom.xml declarationtion to achieve this.

For example:



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