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Lambda Selectolax Import partially initialized module 'selectolax'

i tryed to fix this problem for hours now but i can't solve it. I did read through some similiar questions but they coudnt help me.

I want to use the Selectolax HTMLParser Module inside my AWS Lambda Function. I Import the module like this from an Layer like this:

from selectolax.parser import HTMLParser

I always get the error: "errorMessage": "cannot import name 'parser' from partially initialized module 'selectolax' (most likely due to a circular import)

The Problem lays not in the Name of My Function/File, i called it "Test123". As Selectolax is a public Module, i was afraid to change something after installing it with pip. I reinstalled the package at least 3 times and uploaded it again as a layer.

Reinstalling the Package with an older version(0.3.11) did solve the problem.

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