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gradlew exited with non-zero code: 1 in viro react

I followed every steps fromthis documentation. But when I run the expo app following errors showed up. 在此处输入图像描述

I am suffering from this problem since 1 week. Please Help.

It could be because react-viro has "peerDependencies": "react-native": "0.65.1".

I am trying expo version 44.0.0 because it uses react-native version 0.64.3.

Also, React-viro requires the deprecated jcenter() repository in the build.gradle for support of exoplayer 2.7.1 which viro uses. This has been removed from newer versions of react-native. It can manually be added:


  { repositories
      jcenter() // <- Add this line
        jcenter() // <- Add this line

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