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XQuery Creating a Variable that contains a List Condition

I am very new to Xquery. Here's what I am trying to do:

let $numbers := ('1', '2', '3', '6')
let $answers := $document//answer[number/@number = 'ABC' and ........]
for $answer in $answers

After the and clause I have tried to put a condition for all the numbers in my numbers variable to create the answers variable.

and number[@number = $numbers]

And then later loop through all the answers that match 1, 2, 3 and 6.

Should I already be looping through numbers variable to create this answers variable that contains all my number picks?

Thanks in advance!

As you suggest I would add a loop and a join like this:

let $numbers := ('1', '2', '3', '6')
let $answers := $document//answer[number/@number = 'ABC']

for $number in $numbers
   for $answer in $answers[number[@number = $number]]

or shorter:

let $numbers := ('1', '2', '3', '6')

for $number in $numbers
   for $answer in $document//answer[number/@number = 'ABC' and number[@number = $number]]

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