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Exception trying to read parquet data from azure blob storage (Using ChoETL)

I currently using the ChoETL library to read parquet data, this is the code:

BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(azureStorage);
            BlobContainerClient container = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(contenedor);
            var blobs = container.GetBlobs().Where(x => x.Name.Contains(".parquet"));

                foreach (var item in blobs)
                    var blob = container.GetBlobClient(item.Name);
                    await blob.OpenReadAsync();
//Here i'm trying to read the parquet file, as is shown in the official documentation https://github.com/Cinchoo/ChoETL/wiki/QuickParquetLoad
                    foreach (dynamic e in new ChoParquetReader(outStream))
                        Console.WriteLine("Id: " + e.Id + " FormNumber: " + e.FormNumber);

            catch (Exception ex)

                throw ex;

Trying to executing it, throws an error in this line:

foreach (dynamic e in new ChoParquetReader(outStream))
                        Console.WriteLine("Id: " + e.Id + " FormNumber: " + e.FormNumber);


Is there any solution? I tried parquet.net but i don't like it

I cannot find where outStream is defined in your code, but I think that is the problem. You need to use the Stream provided by blob.OpenReadAsync() :

BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(azureStorage);
BlobContainerClient container = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(contenedor);
var blobs = container.GetBlobs().Where(x => x.Name.Contains(".parquet"));

    foreach (var item in blobs)
        var blob = container.GetBlobClient(item.Name);
        using var stream = await blob.OpenReadAsync();
        //Here i'm trying to read the parquet file, as is shown in the official documentation https://github.com/Cinchoo/ChoETL/wiki/QuickParquetLoad
        foreach (dynamic e in new ChoParquetReader(stream))
            Console.WriteLine("Id: " + e.Id + " FormNumber: " + e.FormNumber);

catch (Exception ex)

    throw ex;

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