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“Right Click” keyboard short cut for Eclipse?

I am switching back and forth between eclipse and intellij and am really missing the ability to "right click" using the keyboard when I am in eclipse. I am running OSX Leopard.

Does anyone know if this can be setup in the keys preferences, or is there a plugin that handles simulating a context menu at the current focused component?

As of Eclipse Juno, Shift+F10 works on Mac to bring up the context menu. It's mapped in Preferences | Keys as Show Context Menu.


For Windows, I don't think you necessarily need an Eclipse-specific solution. Your keyboard might have a Context Menu key, or you can use Shift + F10 to bring up the context menu.



After you updated your question to be specific to OSX, I did some searching, and it doesn't seem like there's a built-in OSX way to bring up a context menu. You might be able to find a program that will let you configure keystrokes to simulate mouse clicks, and then configure a shortcut to Ctrl + Click .

Eclipse Configuration

In Preferences -> General -> Keys there are several "Menu" actions that are bindable. Perhaps you can use these? When I filter the options for "Menu", I see, among others:

  • Show Refactor Quick Menu ( Alt + Shift + T )
  • Show Source Quick Menu ( Alt + Shift + S )
  • etc.

Alternatively, you could just find those commands from the context menu that you use most frequently and bind some keyboard shortcuts to them in Preferences -> General -> Keys.

On the old Apple branded external keyboards, the menu button is to the right of the space bar ( Alt Gr , on PC style keyboards). Looking at the newer keyboards, and the Mac Book Pros, it doesn't seem to be there (guess it went the same way as the Home , End , Page Up , Page Down and Delete keys).

Having a poke around the Preferences -> Keys preference page , I don't think there is a way of revealing the entire context menu.

Many of the sub-menus are available from the keyboard - the ones I have committed to muscular memory are:

  • Alt + + T - refactoring menu, and the various refactorings available from the keyboard, using the modifiers Alt +
  • Alt + + S - Source menu, and various operations beginning with Shift + - including organize imports, reformat.
  • Shift + + T - open type
  • Shift + + R - open resource

If all else fails, it is usually worth looking at Shift + + L - which shows all current keyboard mappings in a hover on the side of the screen.

With these shortcuts, I would recommend learning one a day. Their culmulative effect is considerable.

I appreciate that this does not answer your question, but I hope it solves your problem.



While this unfortunately won't provide a solution for your problem I think it's still worth pointing out the following from The SWT FAQ (Eclipse facilitates SWT to implement its UI):

Q: What are the standard keyboard shortcuts on Windows, Mac OS X, GTK?
A: Since SWT uses native controls, standard keyboard shortcuts can be used in SWT applications. Here is a useful Table of Keyboard Shortcuts .

Obviously your problem is manifesting itself in row 'Pop up contextual menu for currently selected objects' of this table, where all platforms but Mac OS do offer either shortcuts Shift + F10 or Menu or both.

While I can understand that SWT is using the native GUI libraries of the operating system and consequently does not offer this by default, I'm quite surprised that a huge and excellent developer tool like Eclipse is not providing a workaround here. How does IntelliJ solve this issue?

Well, I know that Windows have a key right between the right Windows key and the right Ctrl key.

It is a context menu key. That may do what you want it to do.

For MacOS try the following, it works like a charm for me

Ctrl + Click

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