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Failing to delete GCP project due to non-existent DialogFlow agent

I am trying to delete a GCP project.

Now, it used to have a Google Assistant integration (~ 3 years ago) but now I don't need it anymore and I want to delete it.

When I try to delete the project -> it tells me it can't because it's liked to a Dataflow agent. It provides me with a link but when I follow it, there are no agents listed there. I browsed all available regions, but no agents are listed.

I went to Actions from GCP console, but I can't delete the Actions project either (same reason). When I go to my defined action, I am prompted to migrate to Actions Builder (but I get a generic error trying to do that). In any case, if I try to edit my action in Dataflow, it takes me to the same homepage which prompts me to create an agent - as it doesn't list any.

So I'm stumped - I can't delete my project because of an existing Dataflow agent but Dataflow doesn't list any agents in any region.

Can anyone with Dataflow/GCP experience provide any insight into anything I may try? Thanks!

There are mainly two possible situations for the issue Failing to delete GCP project due to non-existent DialogFlow agent :

  1. The agent has been deleted, but the lien was not deleted.
  2. The agent was not deleted.

You can follow the steps below to solve the issue:

  1. Delete the agents associated with the project and try again to delete the project. If this does not solve the issue then follow step2 .
  2. Even though you deleted the agent, the lien used by the agent is not deleted. Run this CLI command gcloud alpha resource-manager liens list to list liens and then run the gcloud alpha resource-manager liens delete LIEN_NAME command then you can try again to delete the project. For more information, you can refer to the google cloud documentation . If this does not solve the issue then follow step3 .
  3. Deactivate the Dialogflow API from the GCP console: Open APIs & Services dashboard then click on Dialogflow API then click on Disable API. After disabling the Dialogflow API, try again to delete the project.

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