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Replacement for SearchTemplateRequest class in java api client

I am migrating a java application from elastic search high level client to java api client. There is a SearchTemplateRequest class in elastic search java high level client. But I couldn't find any corresponding class in java api client. Can someone help on this? Old code snippet is as below.

public SearchTemplateResponse getScriptResponse(String indexName, String scriptName, Map<String, Object> scriptParams) throws IOException {
        SearchTemplateRequest request = null;
        SearchTemplateResponse response = null;
        try {
            SearchTemplateRequest request = new SearchTemplateRequest();
        request.setRequest(new SearchRequest(new String[] { indexName }, trackTotalHitsSourceBuilder()));
        response = getClient().searchTemplate(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
        return response;

I'm using above code block to get the response of bucket aggregation with script query.

I recommend read the Getting Started Java API Client .

For create first connection read the link.

Example using script and updateByQuery:

Map<String, JsonData> params = Map.of("key", JsonData.of("value"));

Script script = new Script.Builder()
    .stored(StoredScriptId.of(ssi -> ssi.id("script_name").params(params)))

UpdateByQueryRequest updateByQueryRequest = UpdateByQueryRequest.of(
    up -> up.index("idx_script_tst")
        .query(Query.of(q -> q.matchAll(MatchAllQuery.of(maq -> maq))))

var updateResponse = client.updateByQuery(updateByQueryRequest);

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