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Blazor Custom Elements - is two-way binding and hook to EventCallback possible in React?

I have a Blazor component with two-way binding and additional EventCallback property. All works fine when I consume such component in Blazor. However, I'd like to reuse same component as Custom Element (web component) in React or Angular.

Here is what I tried for hooking to EventCallback:

Blazor side:

public EventCallback<(long, string)> MessageReceived { get; set; }


function App() {

  const notificationElement = useRef();

  function messageReceivedListener(message){

  useEffect( () => {
    notificationElement.current.addEventListener('message-received', messageReceivedListener);

    return () => {
      notificationElement.current.removeEventListener('message-received', messageReceivedListener);

  return (
    <div className="App">
          <notification-component ref={notificationElement}>

Even though I'm positive that Blazor component invoke MessageReceived event, I was unable to receive it in React code.

In this approach of 2 different web technologies what I advise you is to use Custom Events


Where from Blazor you fire an event (using JSInterop) and from a React component you listen for it.

It would also work the other way around.

I hope Microsoft releases a more direct solution for communication between Blazor with React

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