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test module cannot load its application.yml file

I have a separate module for functional testing of the application module. Its structure is as below

            |   └─── some java testing class
                └─── application.yml

Note that there is NO main folder. My pom file is something as below


        <!-- test dependencies -->


Now, I put some thing below in the application.yml file as a test

  def: "123" 

I assume the following code should give me "123". However, it printed null.

public class TestProperties {

    private String def;

public class PropertyFuncTest extends BaseFunctionalTest {

    TestProperties testProperties;

    public void testProperty() {



public abstract class BaseFunctionalTest {

It looks like the application.yml file is not loaded at all. Any idea?

My bad, the issue is in the pom, which was not shown in the description of the question. I accidentally copied <packaging>pom</packaging> into the pom.xml. After remove it (or change it to jar), the yml file was read successfully.

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