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How to set Minimum and Maximum Values of x and y axis in Flutter Charts?

Right now I am passing the list of two data's Timer1 and FP7 and the wave is also coming. But now I want to set this in Intervals of 10 seconds. I am using syncfusion Library and reffering this This Link . But I am not able to set Intervals. Can anyone please help me with this or Direct me to any reference where this is done.

Query 1: How to set Minimum and Maximum Values of x and y axis in Flutter Charts.

You can set the minimum and maximum of the x and y axis with the help of minimum and maximum properties in the axis. You can use the visibleMinimum and visibleMaximum properties of the chart axis too and these properties are used to set the minimum and maximum visible range of an axis.

Query 2: I am passing the list of two data's Timer1 and FP7 and the wave is also coming. But now I want to set this in Intervals of 10 seconds.

Add a data point at every 10 seconds interval, you can simply set the duration value to 10, as shown in the code snippet below.

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