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Docker AWS ECS Maximum policy size

I'm new to docker/aws demployment and trying to get my own docker container which is working locally and described via docker-compose.yaml along with a Dockerfile to AWS. I managed to get the CLI running but got somehow lost within the overhelming documentation on the AWS side. From what I understood it needs some kind of continuous integration with access to our source code. While this is not the main issue I would prefer just to deploy our pre build images. Here for I found in the docker docs and chapter describing the procedure.

The problem is, that the required AIM permissions are not in the JSON format at first, and secondly a similar set represented in JSON which can be foundhere get reported by AWS as exceeding Maximum policy size. The solution for that seam to be a manual quota increase request, but I don't know which quota exactly needs to be increased nor how to do it. Is it really such an uncommon use case to deploy directly from docker to AWS?

Thanks for all suggestions for a Docker/AWS newbie.

UPDATE: I manage to upload finally an image by following this tutorial

You can follow the article https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/containers/deploy-applications-on-amazon-ecs-using-docker-compose/ for transitioning from docker compose to ECS. For IAM json limit follow the below blog https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/iam-increase-policy-size/

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