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Folder within another folder no longer in alphabetical order

I am trying to figure out why a folder I created underneath another folder is no longer in alphabetical order

Here is the layout that I want

  A topic that starts with A
  A topic that starts with C
  A topic that starts with J
  My new folder which starts with K
     K doc 1
     K doc 2

What I get is the K folder right after the Overview. I read about the _category_.json file so I create one at the environment level

  "label": "Environment",
  "position": 1

In the K folder I created another _category_.json . I used the following:

  "label": "Kibana",
  "position": 2

If I remove the position, Kibana goes go the bottom of the list. I have tried entering a position of 6 because of other files but it goes to the second position after the overview.

Just number your files, using a dash - to separate from the filename.

Docusaurus will strip out the number, and keep the position and filename.



Also, if you number some of your files and others not, the ones that are not numbered will be displayed after the numbered ones.

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