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Minikube multi-node cluster mounting host machine filesystem to all the nodes

I am creating a Minikube multi-node kube.netes cluster with 2 nodes mounting the $HOME/Minikube/mount directory from the host filesystem to the data directory in the cluster nodes.

I used the following command to achieve this,

minikube start --nodes 2 --cpus 2 --memory 2048 --disk-size 10g --mount-string $HOME/Minikube/mount:/data --mount --namespace test -p multi-node

Minikube version: 1.28.0
Kube.netes client version: v1.26.0
Kube.netes server version: v1.24.3

Expectation was to find the /data directory in both nodes ( multi-node(control-plane) and multi-node-m02 ) mount to the $HOME/Minikube/mount directory of the host filesystem.

But when i ssh to the Minikube nodes i only see the /data directory mount in the multi-node which functions as the kube.netes control plane node. Local filesystem directory is not mount to both nodes.

minikube ssh -n multi-node
ls -la /data/

$ ls -la /data/
total 0

minikube ssh -n multi-node-m02
ls -la /data/

$ ls -la /data ls: cannot access '/data': No such file or directory

Is there some way to achieve this requirement of mounting a local filesystem directory to all the nodes in a multi-node Minikube k8s cluster?

As they mentioned in this issue , using minikube start --mount has some issues when mounting the files. Try using the minikube mount string .

If the issue still persists the issue is with the storage provisioner broken for multinode mode. For this issue minikube has recently added a local path provisioner , adding it to the default storage class resolves your issue.

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