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Codemagic Skip publishing to App Store Connect: no IPAs or PKGs found

I use CodeMagic for CI/CD on an Ionic application with Capacitor and VueJS. The whole build process goes very well, up to the publishing process. I have this final log that makes the app not be sent to TestFlight:

Skip publishing to App Store Connect: no IPAs or PKGs found

ID: 63b942a48ab154742fe6b4d9

I have the codemagic.yml configuration for Ionic and Capacitor... https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56630992/211145195-f9233bce-34d0-40a2-86ae-23bf2b936a52.png


Thanks in advance

I have these lines into the codemagic.yml file:

      - build/ios/ipa/*.ipa

make sure your artifacts path starts from the repository root and correct one.

Also you can use absolute path like $CM_BUILD_DIR/ios/App/build/ios/ipa/*.ipa

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