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Semantic-release not creating new version for package

I have an NPM package I am trying to set up semantic release for so it will automatically deploy with a version bump.

I recently migrated from an old repo / npm package to a new one and since doing so semantic version wont create a new release for me and just says:

The local branch main is behind the remote one, therefore a new version won't be published.

I have created the v1.0.0 tag in the new repo and that matches the only published version of the package so far.

I have removed the changelog.md so it should start fresh.

My release config is like so:

  "branches": ["main"],
  "plugins": [
        "preset": "conventionalcommits"
        "npmPublish": false
        "assets": [
        "message": "chore(release): ${nextRelease.version} [skip ci]\n\n${nextRelease.notes}"

It's a public package so you can see the CI for yourself: https://github.com/stretch0/use-feature/actions/runs/3862807130/jobs/6584602017

Repo is here if you'd like to see the rest of the code: https://github.com/stretch0/use-feature

You can check the tags on the remote:

git ls-remote --tags origin

Then on your local repo:

git tag

1- To fetch all tags from the remote:

git fetch --tags

2- To push tags to the remote

git push --follow-tags

Step 1 should be enough. If it's not, step 2 may help. If it's not, run these 2 steps from your runner directory against the generated repository (ie actions-runner/_work/{reponame}/).

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