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Katalon Studio - Find all inputs with specific type and click them

In Katalon Studio, I have a form that has a dynamic number of checkboxes. I need to click on all checkboxes.

I tried the below, but it only clicks on the first checkbox:

TestObject agreement = new TestObject().addProperty('css', ConditionType.EQUALS, 'input[type="checkbox"]')

for (def index : (0..0)) {

Any help?

Thank you

You cannot do this directly with TestObject .

You need WebElement s for the checkboxes. Don't worry: you can convert them back into TestObject s, so you can still use those built-in WebUI keywords on them...

Here, try this:

  .findElements(By.css("input[type = 'checkbox']"))
  .collect { WebElement checkboxEl -> return WebUI.convertWebElementToTestObject(checkboxEl); }
  .each { TestObject checkbox ->
    WebUI.scrollToElement(checkbox, 2);

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