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How to Put method using xUnit

I try to test Update method using xUnit and I don't know how to do it, below is my code:

Put method in controller:

public IActionResult Put([FromBody]BookDto book, [FromRoute]int id)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return BadRequest();
    var isUpdated = _service.Update(book);
    if (!isUpdated)
        return NotFound();
    return Ok();

BookService update method:

public bool Update(BookDto book)
    var bookDb = _context.Books.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == book.Id);
    if(bookDb == null)
        return false;
    bookDb.Title = book.Title;
    var existingAuthors = _context.Book_Authors.Where(x => x.BookId == book.Id).ToList();

    foreach (var AuthorsId in book.AuthorsId)
        var newBookAuthors = new Book_Author()
            BookId = book.Id,
            AuthorId = AuthorsId

    return true;


public class BookDto
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public List<int> AuthorsId { get; set; }

Any suggestions how to write PutMethod test using Moq?

  1. I would suggest to collect the test cases:

    • Given an invalid book When I call put Then It returns bad request
    • Given a non-existing book When I call put Then It returns not Found
    • Given an existing book When I call put Then It returns ok
  2. I would suggest to AAA pattern for each test case, for example:

    • Arrange : Setup a book service mock which returns false whenever someone calls the update
    • Act : Call your controller's put method
    • Assert : Verify that the returned result is not found as expected
  3. Try to codify. For example

public void GivenANonExistingBook_WhenICallPut_ThenItReturnsNotFound()
    var book = ...;
    var serviceMock = new Mock<IBookService>();
    serviceMock.Setup(svc => svc.Update(It.IsAny<BookDto>()))

    var sut = new YourController(serviceMock.Object);

    var result = sut.Put(book, 0);

    var actionResult = result as NotFoundResult;

It is also a good practice to verify that the Update method of the service has been called only once with the book variable: serviceMock.Verify(svc => svc.Update(book), Times.Once); .

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