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Get a certain tag info with HTMLParser()

I have a page that have some same classes, like five <div class='price'></div> . I need to get the information from the certain class using HTMLParser() . Needed class is in the bottom of that list and have an upper class in html tree. Problem the my code shows me the first div tag, but I need another. How do I get this?

I need to extract "1015" from the page, but mu code shows 150. Page HTML:

<div class='price'>150</div>
    <div class='form-row'></div>
        <input type="hidden" value="15121" name="add-to-cart">
            <div class='price'>

My code:

class ParserLyku(HTMLParser):

    price_is_found = is_price_field = None
    _product_info = {}
    _all_prices = []

    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        if (not self.price_is_found and
                'class' not in self._product_info and
                tag == 'div'):
            attrs = dict(attrs)
            if attrs.get('class') == 'price':
                self.is_price_field = True

    def handle_data(self, data):
        if (not self.price_is_found and
                self.is_price_field and
                'class' not in self._product_info):
                self._product_info['price'] = data
                self.price_is_found = True

There are many ways to do that, one possible solution is to count how many <div class="price"> we've encountered so far (for example, we skip the first price):

from html.parser import HTMLParser

html_doc = '''\
<div class='price'>150</div>
    <div class='form-row'></div>
    <input type="hidden" value="15121" name="add-to-cart">

        <div class='price'>

class ParserLyku(HTMLParser):
    to_find = ('div', ('class', 'price'))

    def __init__(self):
        self.__opened_tags = []
        self.__counter = 0
        self.prices = []

    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        if (tag, *attrs) == ParserLyku.to_find:
            self.__counter += 1

        self.__opened_tags.append((tag, *attrs))

    def handle_endtag(self, tag):

    def handle_data(self, data):
        if self.__opened_tags and self.__opened_tags[-1] == ParserLyku.to_find and self.__counter > 1:

parser = ParserLyku()




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