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Getting below error while building old project in Xcode 14.2

My project was working in Xcode 13 but when I updated Xcode then below error came while building.

I have tried different ways, also removed pods completely and installed again but still getting same issue.

Dependency for P1:target-SwiftyJSON-8699adb1dd336b26511df848a716bd4210f95f96c9da093b6a2c30db091f31b9-:Debug:SwiftDriver Compilation Requirements SwiftyJSON normal arm64 com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler is not absolute (_Ultimate_Guide-bkinbokkmgllsuczauaosmjmekil/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Pods.build/Debug-iphoneos/SwiftyJSON.build/Objects-normal/arm64/SwiftyJSON.swiftmodule). Errors Screenshot


Resolved this issue by remove colon(:) from projectName.xcodeproj and projectName.xcworkspace file names.

The above error was coming in Xcode 14 because projects projectName.xcodeproj and projectName.xcworkspace files' name contains colon(:). So after removing that issue is resolved.

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